Title IX Changes That Affect Your Rights

In August 2024, new regulations will take effect, once again changing the ground rules for how schools resolve sexual misconduct allegations under Title IX.

The new regulations purport to require universities and colleges to conduct “reliable and impartial” investigations. In fact, the changes significantly shrink basic procedural protections for accused students. Under the new regulations, universities and colleges must provide only the barest of information to give adequate notice of an accusation. Even more alarming, the new regulations allow universities and colleges to eliminate live cross examination of the accuser. In a system largely tilted in the accuser’s favor, it is more important than ever to hire an experienced Virginia Title IX attorney to defend you.

While your university or college may offer to appoint an “advisor” from its own administration, an in-house advisor has no obligation to zealously defend you and protect your rights from start to finish. Now more than ever, you need the expertise of an experienced attorney to help you navigate these perilous and possibly life-changing cases.

Questions? Contact Title IX lawyer Rhonda Quagliana to schedule a consultation in your case.